Swansea International Jazz Festival 2024
15 - 17 June

Divisible Remainder Exhibition at the Mission Gallery

Ryan L Moule

12 September – 08 November 2015

When Edward Snowden’s hard drives were destroyed by the Editors of The Guardian newspaper, under the watchful eye of the British Government Spy Agency, the physical container of information was seen to be the source of leaked information.
The deconstruction of the hard drive was little more than a symbolic gesture, but what was brought to the foreground was how quickly and how buried virtual information is across a plethora of both physical and non-physical platforms. The resistance of digital information to being destroyed is the premise of this new body of work.

Taking the (restored) deleted fragments of an anonymous external hard drive as its starting point, Divisible Remainder questions the fractured contexts produced by intangible systems of information storage. The original content of the hard drive does not appear within the works, but its context is transferred, hauntologically engrained in the new images that are produced. By fracturing any sense of complete narrative foreclosure, the work seeks to create a subjective discourse in the absence of the original. Meaning becomes complicated through the metanarratives of re-enacted photographic fragments and situations, within the architecture of the exhibition space.

For more information visit Mission Gallery


12 Sep - 08 Nov
Mission Gallery, Swansea