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Join our ‘Doorstep Detectives’ challenge to rediscover what’s on your doorstep!

During the next few months, we will be publishing a series of ‘case files’ featuring places we have forgotten and walk past each day and some of the people that have coloured Swansea life.

We will also challenge you to look again at our local areas, through creative activity or plain old curiosity, we bet that you’ll begin to see our neighbourhoods differently, finding beauty in the mundane, and using online resources to reveal hidden histories.


For Young Eyes Only

Look out for our case files featuring our very own super sleuth ‘Sherlock Jo Joio’, they’ve been specially tailored for younger children with curious minds.


Dig Online!

Did you know Lisbon was in Swansea? Yes, we know it’s the capital of Portugal, but Lisbon is also a district of Swansea. Try searching ‘Lisbon Swansea’ online, the results will surprise you!

Dig the internet to find out more about the historic people and places in your local area with these useful online resources.

Rediscover Swansea through our Doorstep Detectives case files:

Useful Online Resources

Swansea Council

Historical Societies in Swansea

Facebook Groups

Local Bloggers

National Websites