Swansea International Jazz Festival 2024
15 - 17 June

In the early 1930s, Dylan Thomas handed Ethel Ross (the sister-in-law of Alfred Janes), a typescript of a sketch, ‘Lunch at Mussolini’s’, which is displayed for the first time in an exhibition at the Dylan Thomas Centre.

Ethel knew Dylan through the Little Theatre Company, like Dylan she was a member, and Janes, through whom she also knew the composer Daniel Jones and the poet Vernon Watkins.

Following Dylan Thomas’ death in 1953 Ethel took a series of photographs of Dylan’s Swansea and captioned them with an appropriate quote from his work. The photographs offer a glimpse of the old town Dylan would have known.

Also shown is a drawing of Ethel Ross by Alfred Janes, kindly loaned by their family.

For more information, please visit here.


09 Nov - 25 Dec
Dylan Thomas Centre