Outdoor Theatre 7 & 8 August
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Birds of Gaza is an international community art project that invites people to make a bird in memory of a child killed in Gaza.

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to make a bird, (origami or cutting pattern) and decorate it with collage. This is a chance to reflect and share your thoughts on what is happening in Palestine. Through collage you can see what emotions emerge. Birds of Gaza is a way to bear witness and express our grief together. Creating these birds is an act of solidarity and a way of honouring the children of Gaza.

About the artists: My name is Bori (she/her) and I am an anthropologist and community artist, and I am part of Swansea Creatives for Palestine; a small group using art and cultural events to spread awareness about Palestine. Everybody is welcome regardless of artistic ability, if you are making art then you are an artist!

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