BBQ Rack of Gower salt marsh mutton with Charred asparagus, shitake mushroom and spring greens broth 


By Chef Hywel Griffith 


Hywel opened the award winning Beach House restaurant at Oxwich Bay in 2016 – Hywel and the team have just been awarded a coveted Michelin Star for the second year running! 


Serves 4 


Want to see how it’s done? Watch the video of Chef Hywel making this delicious dish for St. David’s Day below! 




2 x 8 bone rack of mutton 

1L Roasted lamb stock 

100g Salted butter 

24 Asparagus 

20g Fresh mint 

15g Brown sugar 

50g Olive oil 

25g Sherry vinegar 

100g Garden peas 

100g Purple sprouting broccoli 

100g Diced pink fir potatoes 

2 Cloves garlic 

1 Large banana shallot 

10 Shitake mushrooms 

Method of Cooking 


I have chosen Mutton here as its an under used meat even though we have plenty here in Wales, when I talk to people they have this opinion that its too strong or smells when in fact they haven’t tried it, I’m confident this dish will lighten up Mutton and surprise you putting to bed any wrongly placed judgements you may have. 


To cook all red meat well please take the time to bring your chosen cut of meat to room temperature, its one of the biggest mistakes made when cooking. Also invest a temperature probe, they aren’t expensive these days. Here today for the Mutton we are going to aim for 48c this will give us a medium cook on the meat, this for me is the best way to eat Mutton (as well as Lamb and Duck) as you can render the fat a little longer and will give you a nicer finished product. 


Light your bbq first, let the flames die down this will take about 40min depending on your coal. Whilst your bbq is settling down you can prepare the dish, reduce your lamb stock to 1/5 of its original volume, this will give you a delicious base for the dish. 


Dice your pink fir potatoes to small cubes (about pea size) and cook them in boiling salted water, drain and allow them to cool. 


Now you can get your Mutton on the Bbq, fat side down first (while you’re cooking due to fat present in the Mutton the Bbq may flare up simply take the Mutton off for a second and allow it to die down, if you don’t the Mutton will end up black on the outside which isn’t ideal) make sure you turn the Mutton regularly enduring an even cook on each surface. Make sure you use your probe and check the internal temperature after the first 10 minutes, right in the thickest part you are aiming for 48c. 


If you do not have access to a bbq you can pan fry for approximately 10 minutes so all sides are browned, then finish in the oven at 160 degrees for a further 10 minutes ( or until the meat temperature reaches 48 ). 


To make the dressing place the vinegar in a small pan along with the sugar and just bring up to the boil, take off and allow to cool, finely chop the mint with a sharp knife, now mix in with the olive oil and vinegar/sugar mix, set to the side for now. 


Slice the banana shallot finely and crush the garlic cloves, sweat them in 25g of the butter gently. 


Now snap the bottom woody part of the asparagus and discard, trim them so they are about 12cm long, retain the trim and cut them about ½ cm thick, they will go in the broth later. 


Cut the stem off the broccoli so you have small little bunches. 


By now the Mutton should be up to the desired temperature, take it off and allow it to rest for a good 5 minutes. 


Now the shallots are translucent, add the reduced Mutton stock and bring to the boil, one up add a good pinch of salt and drop the broccoli in simmer these for about 2 minutes. 


Take the stalks off the shitake mushrooms and slice about ½ cm thick. 


Now place your asparagus on the Bbq and char them evenly for 2-3 minutes, make sure they are tender but not over cooked. 


Now drop your asparagus trim, shitake mushrooms and peas into your broth and bring to the boil, take off the heat immediately and add the remaining butter, as you mix the butter and the reduced Mutton stock will create an emulsion, now taste the broth and adjust the seasoning to your liking. 


Just before serving place the Mutton back on the Bbq to re heat bone side down, 2 minutes is more than adequate here. 


Spoon the broth into your bowl, place the asparagus in a little bunch in the middle, carve your Mutton and season with mint dressing and sea salt, place on the asparagus. Enjoy! 


And there you have it! A special thank you to Chef Hywel and Beach House Oxwich – Happy St David’s Day! 


Feeling inspired? Don’t forget to check out our other St David’s Day recipes! 


St David's Day Recipes: Starter 

with Langland's Brasserie 

St David's Day Recipes: Dessert 

with Secret Bar and Kitchen 

St David's Day Recipes: Welshcakes 

with Maddocks 

Enjoy St David's Day