Swansea International Jazz Festival 2024
15 - 17 June

The remote ruins of Penlle’r Castell on Mynydd y Gwair is the highest point in Swansea and offers some of its most spectacular views. This area is steeped in history. It used to be known as ‘The Strivelands’ due to the confrontations between the Welsh Princes of Dinefwr and the Norman Lordships of Gower.

Walk Summary

Distance:7.5 miles (12 km).
Time:Allow 3.5 – 4 hours.
Walk classification:Moderate – Strenuous.
Be prepared:Take plenty of drinking water, and maybe some food to eat along the way.

Useful Information

Swansea Council Countryside Access Team
# 01792 635746 or 01792 635230
@ countrysideaccess@swansea.gov.uk
i www.swansea.gov.uk/countrysideaccess

Further links
i swanseabaywithoutacar.co.uk
i www.traveline-cymru.org.uk

With nearly 400 miles’ worth of rights of way, Swansea Bay offers many memorable walking routes, from short family trips, taking in many of the small churches and landmarks in the area, to routes for the more experienced, with breathtaking views of the Gower Peninsula. Find out more: